FINCA Jordan Supported my Business Development

Mustafa is a Jordan River fisherman from Ghor, the northern region of the Jordan Valley, located between the Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias) and the Dead Sea, on the border of Jordan and Israel and the West Bank.

Mustafa started as a fisherman, selling the day’s catch from his wagon.

He came up with the idea of building his own restaurant using as material the reeds lining the Jordan River. In 1997, Mustafa opened his restaurant with both fresh fish and barbecue on the menu. Seven years later, in 2014, Mustafa took a loan from FINCA Jordan of $2,812 to expand and upgrade his restaurant by diversifying the menu, upgrading equipment and renovating furnishings

Mustafa values FINCA Jordan as his friend not just a finance company.

” I am very happy to deal with FINCA Jordan and wishes it all the best”